

Fluent languages English
Basic knowledge of Spanish
Sea Miles 2,500 - 10,000
Owner and Skipper on a mission to bring my yacht back to the U.S. I've got 8,000 blue water miles so far all in the role of Skipper, just enough to be dangerous lol, the majority of which are on this particular yacht. If you're looking for a mile building voyage and you've got a little crazy inside yah, most sailors do, feel free to reach out. This last leg of the journey will be roughly 4,000NM.

TypeSailing Yacht
Length47 feet
Language spoke aboardEnglish
Boat descriptionVessel is safe in any weather, full cockpit enclosure to protect from crashing waves, rain, and sun. She's civilized, hot showers while in route, water maker, refrigeration, newturbo/injectors/intercooler on the diesel, sails great with a sea kindly motion.



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Not what it seems…
I was part of the crew that was hired by “Tony” in early 2021 to bring his boat from Malaysia to the US. Back then he went by Howard /Howie. Despite being announced as “ready to go” the vessel was not seaworthy at all and we spent over a month fixing her. He still owes me money from that trip and I think other crew are waiting for reimbursement too. He broke agreements even before we reached South Africa…
21st Sep 2022