Little about me
My names tom
I have been in sea cadets for 8 years i have done me level 1 power boat and sailed 3 tall ships TS Royalist, TS Queen Galadriel and now soren larsen.
Im a qualified carpenter and i installed racking in warehouses. Im very hard working love climbing and heights and love the rough seas.
I have basic knowledge in painting and varnishing
I would love to sail round the world witch is why im currently on here looking around. That and build up my sailing knowledge and learn new things.
I was with sydney harbour tall ships for 3 years sailing soren larsen,Southern Swan and Coral trekker. i was leading hand and incharge of the ship and crew when we are not sailing. We sail all around harbour plus maintenance on ships i have learned many rolls like bow watch ...galley.. s1 witch is pushing the ship bow or stern by dingy, ferling and setting sails, i have also done bartending, Sailed up and down east coast on trekker for 4 months, after living and working on the ships for 3 years I have aquired some skills I would love to harness that and learn more