Sailing around the Canaries and/or Atlantic crossing
Hey everyone,
35 year old German fulltime traveler right now in Lanzerote making my way to Gran Canaria and I would like to join an Atlantic crossing and/or sail a bit around the Canaries.
I started sailing 2022 in Greece and last year I joined different boats making my way from Varazze, Italy to the canaries, then to Madeira, back to mainland Europe and now again in the Canaries. In total I was on 27 boats and sailed around 500 NM.
Besides accompanying one hand sailors on their trips, I assisted on a refit, had some time
in a winter marina, two boat deliveries, and joined a young couple and a family with a
2,5 year old daughter. Additionally I made a two week volunteering on the Götheborg while she was in Barcelona.
I speak German and English, I don't smoke, no special diet, I like cooking and I am quite good with kids. Also happy to assist in your boat work. When I am not sailing I spent most of my time hiking discovering new places and taking pictures.