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  • Millward

    • 40, British
    • United Kingdom
    • Checked in 14 hours ago

Looking for a Competent Crew or Racing position

Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Competent Crew or Racing. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!

I started dinghy sailing at 12yrs old - I am now 40yrs old.

My Dad was an ocean sailor and has taught me well. We used to go off sailing on the east and west coast off Scotland in my teens and twenties. Therefore very used to tidal waters.

I have five years racing experience from racing around the cans to passages on the East and West coast of Scotland on various different types off yachts up to 50ft.

For the last 5yrs I have my own 36ft Catarman which I kept in Las palmas, Gand canaria which I sail around the Islands. Therefore I have local knowledge of the sea state around the Islands and where to go.

This year I skippered a 42ft yacht with the owner and friends from Grand Las palmas to Morjora. Also I skippered a 52ft yacht from Italy to Lanzarote with the owner and friends.

For the last 2 years I have sailed single handed from Las Palmas - Grand Canaria to Cape verde islands and returned to Las Palmas.

I have a buzz for doing more ocean deliveries.

I am self-employed therefore I am not restricted by a time frame and I can travel to anywhere in the world.

I have a RYA/MRA Yachtmaster theory certificate and plan to do the Yachtmaster practical next year.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kinds regards


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About me

  • Availability Available now

  • LocationUnited Kingdom

  • NationalityBritish

  • Age40

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish

  • Basic knowledge ofFrench

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles2,500 - 10,000

  • Required position Competent Crew
    Racing crew

  • Expected arrangement Recreational

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