Looking for a recreational competent crew, 1st Mate position or deck hand
Hi fellow sea lover,
Thank you for having a look at my profile. Love meeting some loveable new people on their journey called Life anywhere on the globe.
May you find fair winds, weather and waves!
Sailing Vessel Specific:
- CWO zz II; Dutch certificate level II sea sailing comparable level RYA day/coastal skipper;
- Vaarbewijs I+II; Intl Certificate of Competence inland waters; level I+II
- Enkhuizer Nautical college level KZV
- STCW, Medical First Aid/Medical Care (Nautical College Extended Version)
- Diesel Engine RYA course; level I
- GMDSS Restricted Operator’s Certificate (ROC-M)
- First Aid certificate/CPR
- Studied Medical theory Nurse; level II
Practical Sailing Experience:
As first mate, night watch and all round boat handling:
- Belgium (Knokke) > UK (Ipswich); Beneteau 39’ (175NM)
- Coastal (& Tidal) waters Netherlands (NH rounding); Beneteau 39’ (170NM)
- Coastal (& Tidal) waters Netherlands; Beneteau 38’ (numerous)
- Coastal (& Tidal) waters Netherlands; 43’ catamaran
- Norway (Kristiansand) > Netherlands (North sea); Vega Albin 27’ (380NM)
- Coastal (&Tidal) Netherlands; Ketch Haring Logger 72’ (95NM)
- UK (Channel, Gulf of Biscay) > Spain (A Caruña); Ketch Haring logger 72’ (535NM)
- Indonesia (Maluku Islands) > Australia (Darwin); Ketch Collin Archer 43’ (635NM)
- Australia (Darwin) > Christmas Island; Caliber 40’ (1605NM)
- Netherlands > Spitsbergen; Barquentine Antigua (vol.crew) (1780NM)
- Mallorca > Menorca > Sardinia; Beneteau 38’ (425NM)
Sweden (incl. Göta kanal) > Denmark > Netherlands; Breehoorn 41’ (950NM)
- India (Kochi) > Djibouti; steel cutter 57’ (2012 NM)
- Djibouti > Saudi Arabia > Egypt; Pajot Saba 50’ (1300 NM)
Total recorded min. 10062NM
(offshore 8422NM/coastal min. 1640NM)
Life as it unfolds for me so far;
- Born & bred Amsterdam, the Netherlands
- High school A levels/VWO
- Prep program university Tel Aviv, Israel
- Married 1999-2023
- Daughters Zamaya (b.03) and Anaïza (b. 05)
- 20y Full-time in-house dad on a houseboat in Amsterdam with 3 women, 2 cats, rabbits, mice, gerbils and 50 fishes in 1000 liter aquarium.
- Traveled with the girls (homeschooling etc) for almost 2y total (daughters lived for minimal 3,5 months; 2x Indonesia (Bali), USA/Mexico, Thailand, Australia, Costa rica)
- Studied Medical theory Nurse level II
- Studied Business Economics
- Studied Naturopathy; plant medicine, body-mind speciality
- Studied National Flight Academy (PPL, partial CPL) meteorology, navigation, engines, instruments
- Understanding Dutch (10/10), English (9/10), German (8/10), Spanish (6/10), French (4/10), Hebrew (5/10)
- Worked as assistant controller, ass. accountant and financial administrator for various financial organisations, in health care and with Doctors Without Borders
- Volunteer Hospice caretaker
- Volunteer Hospice cook
- Volunteer Artis Zoo guide; knowledge about plant & wildlife and natural environment
- Special interest in world religions, inner traditions and meta physics
- Initiator consciousness research VU and UvA Universities Amsterdam
- Certified Yoga teacher
- Authorised meditation guide/teacher
- 24y /40+ silence retreats and darkness/solo/group retreats
- Created The Still Point Movement; integrated Yoga, Running & meditation into a system of physical and mental training in acc. with traditional principles
- Diving certificate (PADI advance level)
- Private Pilot license; not current
- Traveled in all climates and seasons
- Countries visited: 61/ all continents excl. Antarctica
- Mountaineering/alpine hiking basic level (incl. Mont Blanc, Cotopaxi, Kilimanjaro, Mt. Everest base camp, Vilarica)
- Parachute license level 2; not current
- Driving license
- Motorcycle license
- Triathlete; level half & full iron man
- Free style diving, paragliding, kite surfing, wall climbing; beginners level
- Coolest animals seen in wild/special;
Beluga, Orca, diff dolphins/porpoises, Wobbegong, Manta ray, Leather back turtle (egg laying), tropical coral fish. Sloths, White shark (cage dive), Tigers, African big 5, panda, polar/grizzly/black/brown bear, quetzal, hyrax bird, pink dolphin, piranhas, penguins, walrus, sea elephants/lion/etc, asian tapir, striped hyena, anaconda, Fer-de-Lance, Black cobra, coral snake, koala, almost all whales incl. blue vin whale, feeding/breaching humpbacks, musk ox, polar fox, rein deer, moose, condor, kangaroos, Komodo dragon, orang utang, gorilla, chimpanzee, gibbons, most croc species, poison dart frogs, Tucan, Tasmanian devil, possums, Red ara, Narnia trogon.