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  • Bieke

    • 33, Belgian
    • Belgium
    • Checked in 11 months ago

Excited for my next sailing adventure!

Hi there! For about a year I've been dreaming of a holiday on the sea and I'm hoping this summer I will be able to join in on a sailing trip somewhere in the Adriatic of Ionian sea. I'm always looking to meet new people and share experiences, which is why in the past I've been an active WorkAway-er and did some couchsurfing. Hopefully this time I will get to know the basics of sailing while meeting new people!

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About me

  • Availability 1st July 2024

  • LocationBelgium

  • NationalityBelgian

  • Age33

  • GenderFemale

  • Fluent languagesDutch, English, French

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles0 - 100

  • Required position Novice Crew

  • Location preferenceEurope

  • Expected arrangement Recreational

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The always smiling lady in Red


Bieke: the lady dressed in red, always smiling, even after crashing with her face into the electrical control panel during a rough crossing. A fun crewmember to have along, absolutely NOT the typical blonde. Cute and very good looking but beware ! This gorgeous lady has a pair of very well-functioning male brains. Thinks like a man, drinks like a man (OK, Grimbergen a female beer…) When asleep, impossible to wake up. Slept through rough landings, storms and even a snoring roommate. Grabs every free moment on board to get you into chess play. If not chess playing, obsessed with crab hunting and crab cooking, in all possible ways to make the average Michelin cook jealous. Very seaworthy and never seen holding a bucket (unless when cleaning). Eats and drinks everything, in rather large amounts. Impossible to get drunk. Also changes into a ruthless poker player after 23:00 that never bluffs but just always wins. Very good sailing company even on rough trips. Goes swimming in any water that meets up her track, even not bothering taking off her clothes sometimes, resulting in freezing afterwards if it happened to be a 9 degrees Norwegian fjord…. Travels extremely light. In “Bieke terms” this means one bra and knickers (red off course), one red pullover, one red pyjamas, and a pair of red shoes and last but not least 8 books and some games, all in one tiny backpack. So fits easily on any boat…

13th Aug 2022

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