Looking for a Novice Crew, Friendship or Voluntary work position
Hello Friends,
I'm looking forward to meeting some new people! Very friendly, safety and hygiene conscious and willing to share responsibilities and willing to learn sailing. I am fit (still runs 5miles three times a week, strength training and yoga on other days) and willing to contribute to the everyday needs of sailing and living on board physically and monetarily.
I will be retiring shortly and learn the ropes of sailing and living on water full time. Also, develop some meaningful friendship with people to have a wonderful life and retirement.
I have taken the first ASA certification course and will take the intermediate and advanced certificate in due course. I have physics background and currently learning boat electrical, so I can be of help when needed. My home base is in Houston/Keemah/Galveston but open to fly to meet up.
I have sailed once and assisted with mooring, sailing, flaking and folding the 32’ mast.
I am also looking for friendship