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  • 1Reliable1

    • 56, Canadian
    • Canada
    • Checked in 6 hours ago

Looking for a Delivery Crew, Competent Crew or Mile building position (at moment on a boat until at least May 2024)

I'm interested in finding a position as a Delivery Crew, Competent Crew or Mile building.

Thus far I have completed about 42,000 nm.

I started sailing age 11.
Started racing dinghies age 14.
Received Canadian Yachting Association Silver sail age 16.
Won Ontario 16 years old and under championship double handed regatta aged 16.
Taught the Racing Division (Silver and Gold sail) aged 17-20 at Kingston Yacht Club.
Raced and taught in Lasers, Laser II’s, 470’s... all small boats.
Won the Ontario 21 years old and under championship double handed regatta aged 21.
Sailed in multiple regattas across Canada (1983 to 1989) and was in a dingy pretty much every day of the Canadian summer age 14-21.

So I had a good base in small boats from a young age…

Then I stopped sailing for almost 30 years when I started working desk jobs... although I was invited from time to time to race on Laser 28s, Sharks, and J24s....

I got back into sailing in June/July 2018 when I decided to do my RYA Day Skipper practical. Passed the practical on water portion of the course on a 36 foot monohull in Kingston, Ontario, but never wrote the theory exam.

November to December 2018 (1200 nm)
(YouTube boat 100,000 followers)
Peter Lukursky (owner)
I got on a 42 foot monohull and sailed from Guatemala to Panama on a circuitous route almost to Grand Cayman and down to Linton Bay, Panama. (3 crew but really just the owner and I sailed the boat because the third crew had never sailed before and was sea sick most of the time. I was doing 8-12 hour solo night watches).

January to June 2019 (2000 nm)
Hai Feng
John and Sue Bainbridge (owners)
I got on an HH55 Catamaran and sailed starting from BVI’s and then throughout the north eastern Caribbean islands down to Guadalupe and then back north to Annapolis, Maryland. (4 crew, solo day/night watches).

October 2019 to March 2020 (3500nm)
Hai Feng
John and Sue Bainbridge (owners)
I returned to the HH55 Catamaran and sailed from Annapolis to Panama, visiting various islands in between. I stayed behind at Shelter Bay marina and helped take a monohull through the canal east to west before going back to Canada. (4 crew, solo day/night watches).

October to December 2020 (3800 nm)
Chris and Lynda McMaster (owners)
I joined a 63 foot Benateau Oceanis in Mallorca, Spain and helped sail to Grand Canary. From Grand Canary we joined the 2020 ARC Rally and sailed from Grand Canary to St Lucia in the Caribbean. (3 crew to Grand Canary, solo day/night watches)(4 crew across the Atlantic, solo day/night watches).

December 2020 to March 2021 (700 nm)
Hai Feng
John and Sue Bainbridge (owners)
I rejoined the HH55 and boat-sat alone in Nassau for a month before the owner arrived and we toured the Bahamas for a month or more. The sail was from Nassau to Clarence Town and back up to Freeport. (3 crew).

March to May 2021 (200 nm)
(YouTube Boat 100,000 Followers)
Peter Lukursky (owner)
I rejoined the monohull I had sailed from Guatemala in late 2018 to hang out in Panama. Did some short sailing trips around Bocas Del Toro and helped with some boat repairs. I was there mainly to escape the Canadian winter. (2 crew).

Sept 2021 to Nov 2021 (1800nm)
Hai Feng
John and Sue Bainbridge (owners)
I rejoined the HH55 in Lisbon, Portugal to sail to the Cape Verde islands, Africa with stopovers in Madeira, the Selvagen Islands, and various Canary Islands. (4 crew, solo day/night watches).

Nov 13 to Nov 21, 2021 (1550 nm)
Robert Ehrlich (owner)
I joined an Outremer 51 catamaran to sail from New York City to Sint Maarten. Sailed a direct route passing just off the west coast of Bermuda. (4 crew, solo day/night watches).

Dec 2021 to Dec 2022 (23650nm)
World Circumnavigation
Robert Ehrlich (owner)
Completed a Global Circumnavigation on an Outremer 51 catamaran from Sint Maarten to Sint Maarten with stops in Panama, French Polynesia, Fiji, Australia, Indonesia, Mauritius, South Africa, St. Helena, Barbados and Saint Lucia. (4 crew, Solo day/night watches)

December 2022 to March 2023 (1000 nm)
Hai Feng
John and Sue Bainbridge (owners)
I returned to the HH55 Catamaran and sailed from Curacao to Freeport, Bahamas, visiting various islands in between. (4 crew, solo day/night watches).

June 1 2023 to June 10, 2023 (1550 nm)
Robert Ehrlich (owner)
I rejoined the Outremer 51 catamaran to sail directly from Sint Maarten to New York City. (4 crew, solo day/night watches).

Nov 2023 to Dec 2023 (475 nm)
Hai Feng
John and Sue Bainbridge (owners)
I returned to the HH55 Catamaran and sailed from Freeport, Bahamas to Turks and Caicos Islands stopping along The Exumas and Mayaguana Island (4 crew, solo night watches).

Totals about 42,000 nm between November 2018 and Match 2023


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About me

  • Availability 31st August 2025

  • LocationCanada

  • NationalityCanadian

  • Age56

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles10,000+

  • Required position Delivery Crew
    Competent Crew
    Mile building

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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  • Jul 2018 RYA Day Skipper Practical Complete

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