Sail the World ! Giro del Mondo ! Tour du Monde !
Hi everyone!!!
I am looking for a boat to join as a deck hand, delivery or competent crew , and sail with you wherever you're planning to go.
I am from Italy (26 years old), highly adaptable and very sociable thanks to my many travelling experiences.
I have been working on a motor yacht Abeking & Rasmussen 139ft from St Lucia to Fort Lauderdale (1350 nautical miles) as chef stew, I then continued my sailing experience on an Oceanis 40 around the Caribbean, I have crossed the Pacific ocean from Panama to French Polynesia on a catamaran Nautithec 44 (4300 nautical miles), and I worked as a chef/deckhand on The Whitefin 92-foot sailing super yacht, racing in the "Spirit of Tradition" class.
In the last year I have been crossing the North Sea from the Netherlands to Norway and back on a Hanse 35ft, as well as completed a delivery of a Najad 46 from Faro (PO) to Hamble (UK).
Transatlantic crossing with Bali 5.4, from Olbia to BVI.
RYA Day Skipper Certificate + ICC
I am able to handle stressful situations as well as creating a positive and serene environment.
Looking forward to hear from you,
a trusthworthy captain or first officer
Francesco: a real free spirited sailor. Very easy going guy, relaxing personality breathing Zen. Perfectly tri-lingual (Italian, French, English). Yoga Guru and Pacifist. The perfect mindset for a sailing afficionado. Stays always very calm in critical situations and knows very well how to handle a boat and prepare stuff in time for what is coming. Likes structure. His quarters were always super clean and tidy. Impeccable guy, would not hesitate to hand over my boat to him to do a delivery anywhere in the world. Apart from that a very charming Italian that will make your whole female crew fall into love with him. Stays even cool in this kind of situation. Also a master vegetarian cook that learned me some new recipies. Very eager to learn about anything, from chess playing to celestial navigation. Dangerous poker player as his bluff capabilities are beyond imagination. A great crewmember of the kind that brings spirit to the group and probably soon a great captain too. If available will hire him again for upcoming trips. Highly recommend.
13th Aug 2022