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  • Erik.P

    • 42, USA
    • United States
    • Checked in 11 hours ago

Motivated EMT searching for a boat to help fix and sail

Hi there, I’m Erik. Born and raised in Minnesota, I have always loved being in and on the water, but chose to focus on building a property maintenance company during my younger years. I’ve finally gotten myself to the point where I am financially stable and able to step away from my hobby (work) that makes money to pay for life and am looking to do a bit more exploring. In my spare time I am an avid scuba diver and have my PADI Master Diver certification and have been sailing on local lakes while obtaining ASA certifications, ASA 101 (Basic Keelboat), ASA 103 (Basic Cruising), ASA 104 (Bareboat Charter), ASA 105 (Coastal Cruising).

I am here looking to exchange my hard work ethic and passions to gain more sailing knowledge and experience on your boat. What I lack in ocean sail experience I hope might be off set by the skills and training I do have. I worked as an EMT on a volunteer ambulance service from 2006-2022 and have taken my NOLS Wilderness EMT certification. I have been a volunteer Firefighter, rescue diver/swift water rescue with 8 yrs experience and formerly on MN task force 1 (firefighter cross trained for Hazmat, confined space, trench rescue and rope rescue on a state response team) for 3 yrs. I am comfortable working around machinery and electrical systems and doing light/simple repairs and willing to learn and get my hands dirty on any occasion. Growing up I was instilled with regular chores and to keep my place clean, qualities that are a part of me to this day and that I recognize as a necessity aboard a boat. I am self-sufficient and can rough it on MRE’s and peanut butter sandwiches as well as be creative in the kitchen given a few simple ingredients.

I don’t have any allergies (food or drugs), prefer water, tea and coffee to soft drinks, drink alcohol occasionally and in moderation. Will enjoy a cigar from time to time in enjoyment but don’t need nicotine.

Personality wise I am an ambiverted introvert (INTJ), any questions, ask? On the Big Five personalities aspects scale I am very high in conscientiousness: both industriousness and orderliness. I enjoy the challenge of hard work and learning and the pride from accomplishment. I enjoy social time with people, but am content with a good book and on my own as well. I am an early riser, usually 6AM.

Update: Since I have read a number of Captains/boat profiles on here making mention of their political positions with regards to the crew they would like: I am NOT Woke. I don’t support D.E.I. or C.R.T., or believe most of what the media reports. I don’t support BLM as it is a Marxist organization. I believe that ALL people matter and have value. It is a personal choice to make your life as fulfilling as you desire, not the governments or your neighbors.

If you are interested in a motivated and excited person to join you on your boat as crew for a week or two for transit, island hoping or delivery crew, or longer, I would interested in chatting with you.

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About me

  • Availability 1st December 2024

  • LocationUnited States

  • NationalityUSA

  • Age42

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languagesEnglish

  • SmokerNo

  • Visible tattoosNo

  • VISAs None

  • Sea miles500 - 2,500

  • Required position Novice Crew
    Novice Crew
    Mile building
    Delivery Crew
    Voluntary work

  • Location preferenceNorth America

  • Expected arrangement Professional / Recreational

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  • Sep 2017 ASA asic Coastal Cruising Complete

  • Aug 2016 Rescue Diver Complete

  • Sep 2017 ASA Bareboat Chartering (Intermediate Coastal Cruising) Complete

  • Jun 2017 ASA Basic Keelboat Complete

  • May 2003 Certified Emergency Medical Technician Complete

  • Feb 2018 ASA Basic Celestial Navigation Complete

  • Jul 2022 RYA Sea Survival Complete

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Good crew


Up early everyday looking for projects to help and learn about sailing help on the boat fantastic personality easy to get along with I highly recommend them I hope he comes back to sail with me again

11th Jun 2023

a passion for sailing and learning


Eric sailed with me on labor for a month or so he has the right Outlook the right attitude and the right disposition. He's a self-starter always interested in learning something new about the boat sailing or repair work, I love to have Eric come back and spend any length of time with me on the boat best regards Dave

11th Jun 2023

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