Quinton& Kim
What's Up!
I hope who reads this is in greats spirits amongst planning for the next adventure!
A little bit about us, We have been traveling this beautiful world the last two years, and counting. The last eight months has been hitchhiking from Mexico down to the Galapagos. With this journey opening are eyes into the adventure on the sea! Returning to Kim's roots being born on a sailboat in Thailand,Twenty eight years ago. We have absolutely loved this new form of exploration on the sea, and we have gathered 1200 nautical miles doing so. Sailing around Pearl's,Going through the Canal, and sailing down to the Galapogos.
Kim is a primary teacher back in Switzerland being fluent in French/English and I ran a real estate company back In the U.S. We are ready to do any watches,Cook,Help with maintenance,Children and most importantly be a good time on board. We are looking for any boat heading west on the Pacific! If we sound like a good fit, we would love to have a chat!
Fair Winds, Quinton & Kim