Looking for a Competent Crew, Mile building or Friendship position
I'm a recently retired IT consultant living in Colorado. My wife and I purchased a Catalina 22 last year and fell in love with sailing. While Colorado is a beautiful place full of outdoor recreational opportunities there is precious little water for us to develop our skills.
I have successfully completed the ASA 101, 103 and 104 courses and am currently capable of single handing our Cat 22. I am looking to contribute to another boat's crew in order to gain more sailing time, sailing skills and friendship. My goal is to gain experience on larger boats in open water to prepare for future planned voyages of our own.
My pursuits outside of sailing include alpine and nordic skiing, mountain biking and backpacking. My previous travel has brought me to 47 US states, Mexico, Spain and Iceland. I'm hoping to expand that list by traveling via sailboat!