Looking for a Captain/Skipper position or Boat delivery
Hi - I've just joined Crewbay. I'm interested in finding a position as a Captain or Mile building. I'm looking forward to meeting some new people!
My name is Petar Marinković, and I am a na�ve of Croa�a. My passion for boats and the sea has been a lifelong pursuit. Over a decade ago, I commenced my journey in the mari�me industry, ini�ally focusing on small boat rentals. Eight years ago, I acquired my Croa�an commercial license (Category C), transi�oning into the role of a professional skipper.
I possess a fervent enthusiasm for explora�on and an unwavering commitment to con�nuous personal and professional development. As a highly communica�ve individual, I excel in establishing and nurturing rela�onships. I am eager to leverage my extensive experience and exper�se to contribute effec�vely within the mari�me sector.