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  • Capn Kev

    • 29ft Ericson 28+
    • United States
    • Checked in 11 hours ago

I am looking for a person who would like to learn to sail or gain sailing experience. The crewmember should have some skills in food preparation and be willing to preform everyday tasks needed on a sailing vessel. This would include handling sails, lines and anchor, assisting in docking, cleaning, food prep and galley clean up. My boat is not large and most spaces are shared so the crewmember would need to keep their own kit tidy.
I am not on a restricted diet and whereas the galley is small the crewmember should have no particular dietary restriction. Smoking is not allowed in the cabin, but would be tolerated on deck. Drinking in moderation is OK. I enjoy a few glasses of wine when ending my day..
The crewmember would need to be enthusiastic, willing to learn, follow directions, be up for new adventures, handle stressful situations calmly,. I would, of course like someone that is easy to get along with, optimistic and a good communicator
My iteriaries are flexible.
#1 To sail the Maine coast north Lubec Maine, on to Grand Manan, Canada, then crossing the Gulf of Maine to the Digby Peninsular, Canada. From here working north to Lunenburg, Canada.and return to Rockland Maine.
#2 Sailing south to the Ilse of Shoals, continuing to Gloucester then on to the Cape Cod Canal, Exploring Marthas Vineyard, Nantucket, and returning around Cape Cod to Pvovineetown the back up the coast to Maine.
I am laid back and enjoy stops along the way as well as sailing. I am cautious and do not take risks nor drive my boat or myself hard. You, as crew, would be able to tell me if you felt uneasy in any way, and I would try to rectify it. I plan no overnight passages.
The crewmember would be expected to share equally for the expenses of fuel, food and mooring fees if necessary. (I always anchor when possible)
A little about me: I grew up on a lake in NH. I started sailing at age 10 and have not stopped. I joined the Navy in 1967 and served for 3 years on a Destroyed Escort that ended up in Naples, Italy, as a homeport. Returning to civilian life, I went to RIT in Rochester, NY, studied photography, and worked for Eastman Kodak. Corporate life was not for me, and in 1974, my wife and I moved to Maine because I wanted to build sailboats. I built many boats, including one for myself, but alas, children were born, and we needed a house more than a boat. We sold the boat for land and proceeded to build our home. =To make a living, my wife made handmade fabric animals, and I sold my photography at art fairs. We have had about 10 smaller boats along the way, which we used to explore Penobscot Bay. After I retired, I finally had the time and resources to donate to the larger boat that I now own.

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  • Crew positionNovice Crew

  • Availability 15 May 2025 until 12 Oct 2025

  • Expenses to/from vesselPaid by crew

  • Expenses onboardContribution on a shared basis

  • Team / SoloNot important

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  • TypeSailing Yacht

  • Make/modelEricson 28+

  • Length29 feet

  • Berth10

  • Sailing from United States , Rockland Maine

  • Sailing to Local sailing , Lunenburg NS Canada. Possibly Martha's Vineyard MA

  • Language spoke aboardEnglish

  • Boat descriptionMy Ericson 28+ is considered a racer-cruiser. She weighs in at 7500 with a ballat weight ratio of 40. She is lively and fast for her size, yet very easy to manage. I have rigger her for single handed performance with single line reefing and roller furling for the jib. All halyards and sheets lead to the cockpit. I have all the required USCG safety gear. Life preservers are self-inflating, Foul weather gear for two is onboard. I have added a Carbon Monoxide and LP detector in the cabin. She has three fire extinguishers. There are jack lines and tethers for two people. She also has a pull-down swim ladder in case of unintentionally falling overboard. The cockpit is high, and she has a dodger if wanted, as well as a boom tent for inclement weather in port. I carry three anchors: A Bruce 18 lb, a Mantis 26#, and a Danforth 17# for different conditions. I additionally carry 55 feet of 3/8 inch chain. and 300 feet of anchor line. I have added an additional electric bilge pup in case the priary fails and she has 2 manual bilge pumps. The head is a port a John. I took out the existing marine head as it was difficult to find places to empty, and removing the storage tank gave more room for gear. The freshwater system is by foot pumps. Showers are by solar shower, either on deck or in the head, or at marinas. The icebox is refrigerated, although I most often use Ice to save on batteries. I use a fiberglass 8ft dingy with an electric motor to go to shore. I also have and can carry an 8ft blow-up as a lifeboat. The sleeping arrangements are spacious for two people. One person can sleep in the V berth and one person in the pilot berth aft. There is a privacy curtain for the V berth. I have also made an additional 3" foam cushion for these two berths, giving a 6-inch comfortable foam mattress for each. For Nautical equipment, I have a Garmin Garmin-mounted chart Plotter, backed up with an iPad that works offline. The boat has a stationary VHF radio and a handheld VHF as well as an AMFM radio. It is equipped with autopilot, wind speed, wind direction indicator, and depth sounder. Of course, there is also a magnetic compass at the helm. All the engine controls are at her helm except for starting. In addition, I added a temperature alert system. She has wheel steering but also emergency tiller steering in case the wheel mechanism is damaged. She is spacious for a 29ft boat, and I have customized her to optimize hr storage a crewmember would need to be conservative with their gear. I do light laundry on board in a bucket, but heavier gear would need to be taken to a laundromat. This foodstuff and showers should not prove a problem for some as we would not be sailing offshore. If you require a long hot shower and a new set of outer clothes every day, it will prove a problem as many harbors in northern Maine and Canada do not have all the amenities within easy walking distance. If you are interested, give me a call, and we can talk.

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  • NationalityUSA

  • Age77

  • GenderMale

  • Fluent languages English

  • Qualifications 1st Aid

  • Sea Miles 2,500 - 10,000

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